Thursday, April 30, 2015

The whole world was this symphony, and there was not enough of her to listen.

The Heart is a Lonely HunterThe Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It's hard to pin a rating onto this book. It shines as a portrayal of the ways that people subtly and unwittingly mirror one another. It ruthlessly reveals the consequences of seeking connection without offering empathy. Its words are plain but haunting. And again and again, it shows how perspectives and lives can change in an unexpected, irreversible instant.

And yet, I have to admit that I would sometimes find myself bored, especially in the first third of the book. Somehow, the rhythm of description and introspection didn't consistently engage me.

I'm certainly glad I read this book and would recommend it to almost anyone. The enduring relevance of its themes is chilling. I just wish I could have become more engrossed in it.

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